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* Instructions

This file provides information on uploading the model for Repast Simphony, relevant inputs used, and running the model.


The model has been tested in:

Computing Language

Java 1.6

Development Tool

IDE/Modeling Tool Used:
Repast Simphony 1.2 ( http://repast.sourceforge.net/). See instructions on Repast Simphony for installation.
Information on Repast Simphony Version Used:
For our model, we replace the released version of the repast.simphony.visualziation plugin with the repast.simphony.visualization plugin available from the Repast Simphony update SVN site: https://repast.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/repast

Name of Model Folder

All the files may be downloaded as a ZIP archive from https://www.jasss.org/13/1/15/FERAL.zip

Relevant Model Input Files and Explanation

Data Info:
Currently, the model data are set to Scenario 1.
Network Connection File:

Inputs found in file:

Age age of agent (not relevant, ignore for applied scenarios)
Sex sex of agent (not relevant, ignore for applied scenarios)
Typetype of agent (alpha, beta, or gamma)
WeightAweight value for connections to alpha agents
WeightBweight value for connections to beta agents
WeightCweight value for connections to gamma agents
Importanceimportance variable used for agents
DecisionCostrelative cost of accepting a choice

Affective Dependence and Normative Dependence Input:
Data explanation:
In the xml file, data are incorporated within tags designating normative and affective dependence. The tags use a numbering system, designated as 1, 2, and 3, which represent alpha, beta, and gamma agent inputs respectively. In addition, tags with the letter “E” designate the beta input for a beta distribution, while the non-lettered number is the alpha input in the beta distribution.
Inputs found in file:
(normativeDependence1-3) & (normativeDependence1E-3E) (affectiveDependence1-3) & (affectiveDependence1E-3E)

Model Output Folder

This folder provides the output data from each simulation run. Files are numbered according to the run number (e.g., SocialDataOutput1, Social DataOutput2, etc.)

Summary of Model Functionality

The model evolves a network of social agents, with each agent deciding if he/she accepts a choice, approves of another agent, and determine the social weight with another agent. Agents evaluate both social and individual influences in deciding if they will accept the choice. When launching the model, the Repast GUI will show two charts; one chart will indicate average edge approval and weight, and a second chart shows the sum of agent compliance. In addition, 3D and 2D network displays show the evolution of the social network during model ticks. The network displays show edge weight (thick=high weight; thin=low weight), compliance status of agents (yellow=accept; red=reject), and approval between two agents (yellow=approve; red=disapprove). On the displays, nodes are numbered according to the id number of the agent. The id follows the order of input to the network (see the PopulationConnections.csv file for order of input).

Relevant Model Files

The doc folder, in FERAL/doc, provides documentation on functions for the files listed below. Go to the specific .html file in the doc folder for specific information on functions in relevant objects. The location of the .html files can be found using the package address. You can refer to the .java files as well, which have the descriptions along with the code.

Setup FilesDescription
uaa.feral.FeralContextBuilder.javacontext setup for scenarios
uaa.feral.ScenarioBuilder.javacalls and creates the network builder
uaa.feral.SocialNetworkBuilder.javanetwork builder for scenario
Model File
uaa.feral.social.leadership.AgentTypesModel.javaagent-based model discussed in paper
Other Relevant Objects
uaa.feral.social.Community.javacommunity object
uaa.feral.social.Person.javaperson object

Running the Model
  1. First, load FERAL into the Repast Simphony Eclipse IDE. In the Package Explorer, right click and choose the Import… option, then go to the General folder in the Import wizard and click on Existing Projects into Workspace. After pressing Next, press the Browse button, under Select root directory, in the Import Projects wizard select the Feral folder (unzipped) that you downloaded.


  2. Now, go to the Run menu option, choose Run Configurations..., then select the FERAL_Run option under Java Application in the left side panel, finally press the Run button.


  3. You should now get the GUI showing up, at that point all you have to do is press the Run button or you can press the Initialize button and then press the Run button (see Repast Simphony instructions for further information if needed). You can also look at the model charts and displays as needed.


  4. After a run is completed, the model should produce an output file called SocialDataOutput1.csv. To run batch mode, simply go back to the Run menu and choose the Feral_Batch run option. The simulation is setup to run one thousand executions under batch mode.

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