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Riccardo Boero

Riccardo Boero held a PhD in Economics at the University of Pavia, Italy and a PhD in Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK. He teaches Macroeconomics at the University of Torino (Cuneo venue). He is member of the GECS-Research Group on Experimental and Computational Sociology (www.eco.unibs.it/gecs). He is interested in theoretical issues and empirical applications of complexity in the social sciences.


Email: boero@econ.unito.it

Giangiacomo Bravo

Giangiacomo Bravo is assistant professor of economic sociology at the University of Torino, where he teaches Sociology of development and Global social-ecological systems. He is member of the GECS-Research Group on Experimental and Computational Sociology (www.eco.unibs.it/gecs). His main research interests are sustainable development, evolution of altruistic and cooperative behaviorand experimental and computational sociology;

Via S. Ottavio

Email: giangiacomo.bravo@unito.it
Web: http://www.personalweb.unito.it/giangiacomo.bravo/

Marco Castellani

Marco Castellani is post-doc fellow in economic sociology at the University of Brescia. He is member of the GECS-Research Group on Experimental and Computational Sociology (www.eco.unibs.it/gecs). His fields of interest are bounded rationality and cognitive & experimental sociology.

Department of Social Sciences
University of Brescia
Via San Faustino 74/B
25122 Brescia, Italy

Email: castella@eco.unibs.it
Web: http://www.unibs.it/on-line/dss/Home/Personale/PersonaleDocente/articolo4544.html

Flaminio Squazzoni

Flaminio Squazzoni is assistant professor of economic sociology at the University of Brescia, Italy, where he teaches Sociology of Organisation. He is head of the GECS-Research Group on Experimental and Computational Sociology (www.eco.unibs.it/gecs). His research interest is social simulation.

Department of Social Sciences
University of Brescia
Via San Faustino 74/B
Brescia, Italy

Email: squazzon@eco.unibs.it
Web: http://www.unibs.it/atp/page.1020.1023.0.0.atp?page=article&instance=9&idArticle=2051&node=1370


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