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Adam Wierzbicki

Adam Wierzbicki received his Ph.D. degree from the Warsaw University of Technology. His Ph.D. thesis titled 'Content Distribution and Streaming Media Communication on the Internet' concerned design of content delivery networks for improved quality and performance of streaming media communication. Adam Wierzbicki is an expert in Peer-to-Peer computing. His current research interests focus on trust management and fairness in distributed systems, as well as on social informatics. Dr Wierzbicki currently heads the projects mTeam (mTeam.pjwstk.edu.pl/) and uTrust (uTrust.pjwstk.edu.pl/). Adam Wierzbicki is currently employed at the Polish-Japanese Institute for Information Technology, where he has the position of Vice-Dean of the Department of Informatics. Contact info: adamw@pjwstk.edu.pl

Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warsaw

Email: adamw@pjwstk.edu.pl
Web: http://inflacja.net/adamw/home/index_en.php

Radoslaw Nielek

Radoslaw Nielek is a PhD student in Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology (PJIIT) Warsaw, Poland. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Production Engineering and Management from Szczecin University of Technology in 2004 and Master's Degree in Computer Science from PJIIT in 2007. His research interests include social simulation, trust management and opinion mining.

Koszykowa 86
02-008 Warsaw

Email: nielek@pjwstk.edu.pl
Web: http://nielek.pl


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