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Jung-Hun Yang

Jung-Hun Yang is a PhD student at the faculty of geosciences in Utrecht University, Netherlands. He got a first degree in urban planning from Dong-A university, Korea, and studied spatial analysis at Linköping university, Sweden. After working for urban planning and information for the past few years, he had joined the Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht. He has also made careful preparation for the small book of Korean version that introduces an agent-based modeling and NetLogo in terms of practical application.

Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University
3508 TC

Email: junghun.yang@gmail.com
Web: http://www.geo.uu.nl/phpscripts/staffpages/personal/personal.php?id=Yang0105

Dick Ettema

Dick Ettema is associate professor in the Faculty of Geosciences in Utrecht Universities. His research interests include agent-based modeling of firm and household related processes. Other interests include the analysis of activity and time use patterns and the implications of travel and activity behavior for individuals' well-being. Dick is elected member of the Committee of Travel Behavior and Values of TRB and the Special Interest Group on ICTs and Travel of WCTR. He is member of the editorial board of various journals.

P.O.Box 80115
3508 TC

Email: d.f.ettema@uu.nl
Web: http://www.geo.uu.nl/phpscripts/staffpages/personal/personal.php?id=Ettem101


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