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Lyndon Walker

PhD in Statistics/Sociology, University of Auckland Masters of Science (1st Class Honours), Statistics, University of Auckland Senior Lecturer in statistics at Swinburne University, Melbourne. Previously Senior Lecturer in Statistics at Unitec New Zealand, Auckland. Currently writing journal articles from my PhD (described below). Modelling inter-ethnic partnerships in New Zealand 1981-2006: A census-based approach and can be found online at: http://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/5823 It was jointly enrolled in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Sociology and was part of a Marsden Grant funded project headed by Professor Peter Davis. My research used New Zealand Census data to model the changing patterns of inter-ethnic cohabitation. I used log-linear models to summarise patterns in the frequency tables, and then used social simulation, with a parallel-processed evolutionary algorithm, on a cluster of the New Zealand BeSTGRID computer network, to test hypotheses of social structure. Publications: 1 book 1 phd thesis 3 refereed journal articles 5 refereed conference proceedings Reviewing experience: - Medical Science Monitor (quantitative methods), 2010-present - Australian Family Physician (quantitative methods), 2010-present - Associate editor: International Journal of Learning, Vol 13 - Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, 2008-2010 - Southwest Academy of Business Conference, 2008 - Small Business Institute Journal, 2007-2009

Faculty of Higher Education
Swinburne University

Email: lwalker@swin.edu.au

Peter Davis

Peter Davis is Professor of Sociology, specialising in health and well-being, at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Director of COMPASS Research Centre, a centre that promotes the application of advanced methodological techniques in the social sciences. He has masters degrees in sociology and in statistics from the London School of Economics, and a doctorate in community health from the University of Auckland. The common theme to his research is the use of quantitative and other advanced methodological techniques, in the analysis of social data with relevance for applied and policy purposes.

COMPASS, University of Auckland
20 Wynyard St
Building 273, Level 2
Auckland 1010
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Email: pb.davis@auckland.ac.nz
Web: http://artsfaculty.auckland.ac.nz/staff/?UPI=pdav008&Name=Peter%20Davis


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