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Davoud Taghawi-Nejad

01.2010 - 12.2012 PhD-Candidate Economics of Complexity and Creativity University Torino, Italy 09.2004 - 09.2008 Diplôme d'études approfondies (comparable M.Phil) and Master of Arts in Economics Grade: Distinctions (70) Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 06.2004 - 08.2004 Certificate Econometrics Grade: A+ and B London School of Economics 09.2001 - 09.2004 Bachelor in Economics and Management Grade: 100 = top 10 percentile. The studies were in English, Italian and German. Free University of Bolzano, Italy 2010 Heidelberg First Summerschool in Neuroeconomics utonomous agents". In "Progress in Artificial Economics 2010", Springer Conferences Artificial Economics 2010: "Technology shocks and trade in a network" Computational Economics and Finance 2012: "Beyond Computable General Equilibrium: Simulating non-equilibrium dynamics and money, an agent-based Computational Complete Economy" ECCS 2012: "Computational Complete Economy models, bridging the gap between CGE and Agent-Based models" Future and Science 2011 Mind-Akademie: (divulgative; invited talk) "How the simplistic science of economics cause the crisis and how economics has to reinvent itself as a complexity science." (in german) Working paper (submitted): Modeling the economy as an agent-based process: ABCE a modeling platform and formal language for ACE. (github.com/DavoudTaghawiNejad/abce) Education 01.2010 - 12.2012 PhD-Candidate Economics of Complexit

Piazza Statuto 11
10100 Turin

Email: davoud@taghawi-nejad.de
Web: http://taghawi-nejad.de

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