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Francesco Pizzitutti

Phd in Biophysics at the University La Sapienza of Rome, he research in the field of agent based models at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Diego de Robles S/N

Email: francesco.pizzitutti@gmail.com

Please direct correspondence about this article to Francesco Pizzitutti

Carlos F. Mena

Carlos Mena is Professor of the Galapagos Institute for the Arts & Sciences; Professor of the College of Biological and Life Sciences; Director of the Ecology Graduate Program and Co-Director of the Galapagos Science Center

Diego de Robles S/N

Email: cmena@usfq.edu.ec

Stephen J. Walsh

Stephen J. Walsh is the Director of the UNC Center for Galapagos Studies; Co-Director of the UNC-USFQ Galapagos Science Center, San Cristobal Island, Ecuador; Professor Department of Geography and Fellow of the Carolina Population Center More details about him can be found at his home page at the Center for Galapagos Studies: http://galapagos.unc.edu/People/uncprofiles/walsh

Department of Geography
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
North Carolina
United States

Email: swalsh@email.unc.edu
Web: http://salab.unc.edu/


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