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Christof Knoeri

Christof Knoeri holds a MSc degree from ETH Zurich in environmental sciense with a specialization in human-environmental systems. He joined the Sustainablity Research Institute at University of Leeds in February 2012 as a Research Fellow. Prior to this he was a Research Associate at the Life-Cycle Assessment and Modelling Group at Empa Materials Science & Technoloogy, Switzerland. In addition he worked as a Guest Lecturer at the Institute for Systems Science, Innovation & Sustainability Research at the University of Graz, Austria and at the Chair for Human-Environment Relations at the University of Munich, Germany.

Sustainability Research Institute (SRI)
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds
United Kingdom

Email: c.knoeri@leeds.ac.uk
Web: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/people/c.knoeri

Please direct correspondence about this article to Christof Knoeri

Igor Nikolic

An Assistant Professor at the Energy & Industry group, Faculty of TPM, TU Delft, Igor specializes in complex adaptive systems, agent-based modeling and evolutionary theory for industrial ecology and socio-technical systems . He is an active networker and promoter of open source and social software to enable collaborative, multidisciplinary research. Following his MSc (hons.) in chemical- and bio-process engineering from TU Delft, he worked on life cycle and material/substance flow analysis at University of Leiden, Institute for Environmental Science (CML). Igor then received his PhD thesis for his co-evolutionary method for constructing agent-based models of Large Scale Socio-Technical systems evolution.

Section Energy & Industry
Faculty of Technology Policy and Management
Delft University of Technology
2628 BX

Email: i.nikolic@tudelft.nl
Web: http://www.igornikolic.com

Hans-Joerg Althaus

Hans-Joerg Althaus graduated in Material Science and recieved his PhD in environmental science at ETH in Zurich. He has been working in the field of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) since 1997. He was a senior scientist in Empa's Life Cycle Assessment and Modelling group and is currently working at Quantis International.

Ueberlandstr. 129
8600 Duebendorf

Email: hans-joerg.althaus@quantis-intl.com
Web: http://www.quantis-intl.com/index.php

Claudia R. Binder

Claudia R. Binder has a background in natural science, holds a PhD in environmental science from ETH and a habilitation on human environment systems from ETH. She is currently full professor for Human Environment Relations at the Department of Geography at the University of Munich.

Luisenstrasse 37
80333 Munich

Email: claudia.binder@geographie.uni-muenchen.de
Web: http://www.geographie.uni-muenchen.de/


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