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Wolfgang Balzer, born in 1947, graduated in mathematical logic and philosophy of science at the University of Munich. In 1982 he became professor for logic and philosophy of science at the University of Munich where he became a leading figure in the 'structuralist' group of philosophers of science. He has published widely on reconstructions of scientific theories, on the general structure of scientific theories and their development and application, and more recently on social institutions and simulations. Among his books are An Architectonic for Science (together with Moulines and Sneed), Soziale Insitutionen 1993, and Die Wissenschaft und ihre Methoden 1997. Among his articles, are ones on game theory: 'The Structure of the Spatial Theory of Elections' (together with Dreier), and a simulation of a 3p model from economics (together with Albert).

Seminar fuer Philosophie, Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie
University of Munich
Ludwigstr. 31
D-80539 Muenchen

Email: balzer@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Web: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~ua352bm/webserver/webdata/Balzer.html

Karl R. Brendel, born in 1962, graduate student of logic and philosophy of science at the University of Munich, has been working for several years on social simulations in the group of Prof. W. Balzer. Besides his studies he designs and implements large parallel and distributed systems as a consultant in the IT industry.

Weichselgartenstr. 9
D-81477 Muenchen

Email: Karl.R.Brendel@t-online.de
Web: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~ua352bm/webserver/webdata/Brendel.html

Solveig Hofmann, born in 1961, graduate student of logic and philosophy of science at the University of Munich, has been working for several years on social simulations in the group of Prof. W. Balzer. Besides her studies she works as consultant on modelling and implementation of distributed systems for electronic data interchange in software technology.

Schleißheimer Str. 94
D-80797 Muenchen

Email: Hofmannsol@aol.com
Web: http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~ua352bm/webserver/webdata/Hofmann.html

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