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Patrick D'Aquino is Director of Research in social geography. For ten years he focused on the conception of supports (not only tools) to accompany (not supply solutions) decentralized processes within land use planning, specially about common resources (pastures, lands, water). His concern is to reconcile sociologic geography and the development of technical tools adapted to local stakes and constraints. Focused on social processes and local knowledge for the management of common resources, he studied and assisted local organizations that were implementing and regulating land use rights in the Sahelian zone of Africa. Now, he spreads his approach on Pacific areas. He works on geographic and others participatory modelling tools (maps, GIS, ABM) and on novel planning practices to support local organizations and social dynamics. He is specially interested by supports allowing people to progress in the inter-connection between local and global decision processes.

IAC, BP 06
98 825 Pouembout
Nouvelle Calédonie

Dr Christophe Le Page is an agronomist working for the "Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement" (CIRAD), in Montpellier (France). He is a member of the Green Research Unit, which is promoting a companion modelling approach for natural resources management. With a background in fish population dynamics, he has progressively specialized in building agent-based models to simulate the interplay between ecological and social dynamics in ecosystems holding renewable resources used or managed by different categories of stakeholders. He is participating in the development of the CORMAS platform, with a special interest on spatial aspects. He is also involved in several training courses introducing the usefulness of ABM for the simulation of agro-ecosystems.

Cirad, Land and Resources Programme
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5

email: christophe.le_page@cirad.fr
web: http://cormas.cirad.fr

François Bousquet is a modelling scientist specialised in the analysis of interactions between societies and their environments. He has been working for thirteen years on the development and use of Multi-agent systems for the simulation of natural and renewable resource management issues. He participates in the development of Cormas platform and several case studies. Presently based in Thailand he is working for IRRI and Cirad on the co-viability of ecological and social dynamics in rice-based agricultural systems. He has also been involved in several training courses on these topics.

Cirad IRRI,
PO Box 9-159
Chatuchak Bangkok 10900

email: françois.bousquet@cirad.fr

Mr Alassane Bah is an engineer in computer science from the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique in Dakar. He has been a lecturer at the same department since December 2000. He is working on multi-agent simulation and genetic algorithms: their application to the management problems of natural resources in Sahel. Within this context, he has been carrying out several research projects on desertification problems, on space modelling problem, on the distributed multi-agent simulation theme.

Département Génie Informatique
Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique
B.P. : 15 915 Dakar-Fann (Sénégal)

email : bah@ucad.sn

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