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Guillaume Deffuant is Head of the "Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes" in Cemagref Clermont-Ferrand. His research interest is the simulation of complex systems, especially through the involvement of dynamic geometric components and structures. The complex dynamics obtained can be related to cognitive, social or ecological systems. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and obtained a PhD in Cognitive Science in 1992.

24, avenue des Landais
BP 50085
F-63172 Aubière Cedex

E-mail : guillaume.deffuant@cemagref.fr
web: http://wwwlisc.clermont.cemagref.fr/Labo/MembresEtPagesIntermediaires/pagesperso/membres_actuels/deffuant/Gdeffuant.htm

François Goreaud is a member of the LISC Team (Laboratory of engineering for complex systems) of CEMAGREF. After a PhD with ENGREF on the spatial structure in forest ecosystems, he is focusing his research on ecosystems modelling and spatial structure analysis, especially within the CAPSIS project.

24, avenue des Landais
BP 50085
F-63172 Aubière Cedex

E-mail : francois.goreaud@clermont.cemagref.fr
web: http://wwwlisc.clermont.cemagref.fr/Labo/MembresEtPagesIntermediaires/pagesperso/membres_actuels/goreaud/françois_goreaud.htm

Sylvie Huet graduated in social science after her two first years of university and holds a university post-graduate technical degree in computer science, modelling and optimisation; she is now preparing the corresponding engineering degree in the Conservatoire/Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.

She occupies a post of computer scientist in the Laboratory of Engineering for Complex Systems, Cemagref.

24, avenue des Landais
BP 50085
F-63172 Aubière Cedex

E-mail : sylvie.huet@clermont.cemagref.fr
web: http://wwwlisc.clermont.cemagref.fr/Labo/MembresEtPagesIntermediaires/pagesperso/membres_actuels/huet_sylvie/sylvie_huet.htm

Margaret Edwards is PhD student in computer science and works in the Laboratory of Engineering for Complex Systems. The subject of her thesis concerns development of tools for linking models and evaluating the appropriate aggregation level.

24, avenue des Landais
BP 50085
F-63172 Aubière Cedex


Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6,
8, rue du Capitaine Scott
75015 Paris

E-mail : margaret.edwards@clermont.cemagref.fr

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